Waterproof Folder Zipper Bag, Pink (Fits A5)
A4 Zip File Folder Bag Waterproof. This Zipper Bag ideal for Document Storage. Can be used as pouch to store cloth for hospital bag also. Can be used for office Supplies, Family, School, Travel Storage Bags.- 0.350 KWD
- 0.350 KWD
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Waterproof Folder Zipper Bag, Lightblue (Fits A5)
A4 Zip File Folder Bag Waterproof. This Zipper Bag ideal for Document Storage. Can be used as pouch to store cloth for hospital bag also. Can be used for office Supplies, Family, School, Travel Storage Bags.- 0.350 KWD
- 0.350 KWD
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L'ovedbaby Organic Cotton Pink Set 3 pieces
This set is perfect for a new baby gift, or go home outfit Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)- certified 100% organic cotton- 5.700 KWD
10.300 KWD- 5.700 KWD
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Two Small Wings - جناحان صغيران
في يَوم مِن الأيّام،أخذَ البِطريقُ قَرارًا: “هُناكَ أمرٌ مُهمٌّ جدًّا، ويَجب أنْ أفعلَ ذلكَ الأمرَ وَحدي!”.ماذا فَعَل البِطريقُ؟وهَل اسْتَطاعَ تَحْقيقَ ذَلكَ الأمْرَ المُهَمَّ جدًّا؟- 3.500 KWD
- 3.500 KWD
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Mama's First Crawling pad - Gray Strips
Baby knee pads very soft to wear. Protect the baby's knees from bruises and scrapes when they are curiously crawling and learning to walk. Ensure that your little baby can roam around securely and well-protected- 0.500 KWD
3.000 KWD- 0.500 KWD
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بيبى بوكس سبورت سبوت 600 مل - ازرق سليت
زجاجة صنبور رياضية من B.Box هي الرضّاعة المثالية للأطفال النشطين. يتميز بتصميم مثلث مريح فريد من نوعه يوفر تدفقًا سهلًا للشرب بدون ضجة. فوهة مصنوعة من السيليكون الآمن للشرب بدون ضغط. يحتوي أيضًا على صمام خفيف لمنع الانسكاب. زر ضغط وغطاء علوي لسهولة الاستخدام...- 6.500 KWD
- 6.500 KWD
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Vital anti-reflux wedge pillow
Non allergenic Washable cover Waterproof Anti Slip Bottom Cover Soft Baby remains in safe position What is a baby reflux? Physiological reflux or simple reflux is medically defined as "the non-forceful regurgitation of milk into the esophagus whereby an infant may regurgitate their feed...- 16.250 KWD
- 16.250 KWD
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Polar bear on a chair - دب قطبي على كرسي
لا مَكانَ لكَ هُنا، هَذا الكُرسيُّ لي أنا. An Arabic story rich of vocabulary and new words. Bright colors and illustrations of natural scenes that will catch your little's attention. Recommended for kids between 8 to 10 years old. Written by Ross Collins Published by...- 3.500 KWD
- 3.500 KWD
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A rat in the house - !فار في الدار
،أُريدُ أنْ أعرِفَ كيفَ وَصَل ،أُريدُ أنْ أعرِفَ كيفَ دَخَل .هَذا الفارُ يَجِبُ أنْ يَرحَل An Arabic story rich of vocabulary and new words. Bright colors and illustrations of natural scenes that will catch your little's attention. Recommended for kids between 8 to 10...- 3.500 KWD
- 3.500 KWD
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Good night - تصبحون على خير
لم يعد والداي يعيشان في بيت واحد، ولكنها ما زالا يحبانني، أعيش في بيتين، لكن ما زلت أقول في كل مساء: ” تصبحين على خير ماما ” “تصبح على خير بابا” قصة صبحون على خير An Arabic story rich of vocabulary and new words....- 3.500 KWD
- 3.500 KWD
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Road back home - طريق العودة إلى البيت
ذاتَ يومَ وَجَدَ ولدٌ نَفْسَهُ عالِقًا على سَطحِ القَمَر! ما الأَصْوات التي سِمَعَها؟وَكَيفَ سَيُنقذُ نَفسَه منْ هذِه الورْطَة؟ An Arabic story rich of vocabulary and new words. Bright colors and illustrations of natural scenes that will catch your little's attention. Recommended for kids between...- 3.500 KWD
- 3.500 KWD
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Lost and found - فقد ووجد
ذاتَ يَومٍ فتَحَ ولدٌ بابَ مَنزِلِه، فوجَدَ بِطريقًا.بَدا لَهُ البَطريقُ حَزينًا، فَقَرَّرَ أَنْ يُساعِدَه. An Arabic story rich of vocabulary and new words. Bright colors and illustrations of natural scenes that will catch your little's attention. Recommended for kids between 8 to 10 years...- 3.500 KWD
- 3.500 KWD
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You have no place in the zoo - ليس لك مكان في حديقة الحيوان
وَصَلَ خُلدُ الماءِ إلى حَديقَةِ الحيَوان،فَهَل سَيَبْقى في هَذا المَكان؟ An Arabic story rich of vocabulary and new words. Bright colors and illustrations of natural scenes that will catch your little's attention. Recommended for kids between 8 to 10 years old. Written by Ross Collins...- 3.500 KWD
- 3.500 KWD
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B.Box Insulated Sport Bottle, 500ml - Indigo Rose
Insulating double-wall stainless steel Keeps liquids cold for up to 15 hours or warm for up to 8 hours Silicone spout top, offers free flow drinking Lid keeps spout covered and hygienic. Leak-free when lid is closed Silicone carry handle 500 ml/16.9oz Dishwasher safe,...- 8.750 KWD
- 8.750 KWD
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Prince Lionheart Bubl Bump
This adjustable BUMP band shields growing Babies from 99.9% of harmful EMF radiation, with the bonus of being anti-bacterial and anti-odor due to properties inherent in silver. Designed to grow with Mama’s ever-expanding bump. It can be worn under clothing or proudly sported on the...- 26.000 KWD
- 26.000 KWD
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Prince Lionheart Bubl Cape
This hands-free Backwards Cape/Bib blocks 99.9% of harmful EMF radiation from a child’s chest and lap area. Ideal for the squirmy toddler or any child/adult who is better off with a hands-free shielding solution. Easily attaches around the neck with an adjustable snap closure. Perfect for use...- 28.000 KWD
- 28.000 KWD
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